What are part of the year are winter bowling leagues played?

In bowling, for the most part there are 2 different seasons of bowling. There is the summer league or season and the winter league or season. Every bowling center is different and you should call your local bowling center to see if when they start but typically the summer starts around the spring time or around the month of May or June and it ends around august or September.

The winter leagues starts right after the summer leagues ends around the end of august or the start of September. The winter is around 35 weeks and the summer league is around 12 weeks or so. Since the winter is longer than the summer, the 2 different leagues are based on that. In my past in bowling in leagues, there are more people bowling in the winter leagues than summer leagues due to there is more money in the summer leagues because it’s longer than the summer so there is a bigger payout at the end.

The summer league is much shorter and most people take their vacations during the summer and have fun so they don’t bowl in leagues. If you are just starting out, I would join a summer leagues because it’s less people and some people just use the summer league to get ready for the winter league.